How important is the appearance of your smile? If you think that it makes a significant difference in the quality of your life, you’re in good company. Consider the following statistics:
Did you know that nearly all of the attributes that create an unattractive smile can be corrected! Here are some of the most frequently mentioned imperfections that people would like to have corrected:
Harbor Dental Group can correct nearly all of these and other unsightly imperfections with a smile makeover. A smile makeover will not only improve the health and radiance of your smile, it can vastly improve your self esteem and self confidence.
A smile makeover may involve more than a single cosmetic dentistry procedure, so it is important that the Sacramento cosmetic dentist you choose can perform multiple procedures for the finest makeover possible. Some of the most common procedures used in a smile makeover include:
Harbor Dental Group can provide any of these procedures in combination, so you can feel confident that your smile makeover is done properly, and without limitations.
If you are considering a smile makeover, please contact Harbor Dental Group to schedule an initial consultation.
Call us at (916) 372-8525
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